Abandoned Island

My life on an abandoned island is stressful. It’s another day on a paradise island and it is time to get to work. How did I get here, you ask? Well, it’s a long story… I was just peacefully watching a movie on the plane. 16 candles. Great movie, by the way. Anyways, I was watching the movie and fell asleep in the middle of the movie. When I woke up, an alarm went off in the plane. The flight attendants yell out be stay calm, but obviously nobody was calm. Then, one psycho takes over the plane controls and crashes us in a deserted island! Next thing you know, we’re are trying to survive here all together. A couple days go by and a rescue helicopter comes to rescue us. They helicopter picks up everybody that was on the plane and leaves. Without me. I tried getting on, but I was too late. They already started flying away. I was devastated. Then I remembered, “Hey! I have my phone! I can call the police!” I tried calling the police to come rescue me, but there was no service. Now, I’m stuck here for good. I luckily had all my luggage still, which was amazing. Better than amazing. I had so much stuff! A toothbrush, toothpaste, a few changes of clothes, a portable phone charger, and some other stuff. I even brought a bunch of snacks in my carry on! Bingo! I’m currently snacking on some Chees-Itz while writing this. Wish me luck on my abandoned island journey!

2 thoughts on “Abandoned Island

  1. Sixteen Candles is iconic! I recorded it so we can watch it together 🙂 Maybe we should watch Castaway as well.

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